All About Beer

All About BeerImage:all-about-beer-sample-cover

All About Beer was an esteemed English-language magazine, known for its comprehensive coverage of the beer community. The magazine was first established in Los Angeles in 1979 by Mike Bosak, a printing executive, along with six of his colleagues from the printing and publishing industry. The inaugural issue was launched in March of the same year, marking the beginning of a legacy that would span four decades.

Over the years, the magazine emerged as a respected source for news, features, analysis, and reviews related to the beer industry. It was lauded for its dedication to covering the people, places, news, trends, and events that defined the beer community. This commitment continued under the stewardship of long-time journalists Andy Crouch and John Holl, who relaunched the magazine's website,, in 2022.

However, the magazine's influence extended beyond its pages. For thirty-nine years, All About Beer was home to some of the most revered writers in the scene and played a significant role in the craft beer movement, both nationally and in North Carolina. In addition to its editorial contributions, the magazine and its staff were behind the well-known World Beer Festival and were instrumental in key industry developments like the 2005 change to North Carolina law that allowed the state's beer scene to flourish.

Throughout its existence, All About Beer consistently positioned itself on the leading edge of the burgeoning craft beer scene. Even in its early years, when there were fewer than one hundred breweries across America, the magazine foresaw the burgeoning movement of craft and small-batch brewing. It championed this ultra-nouveau trend, contributing significantly to the growth and recognition of now-famous brands like Sierra Nevada.

The magazine's mission extended beyond simply promoting or documenting the evolving craft beer industry. It aimed to educate the public about beer appreciation and beer quality, helping to elevate the image of beer in the public's eye and demonstrating that beer could be as well-respected as wine.

In the mid-nineties, the magazine further expanded its reach by introducing the World Beer Festival. This event brought brewers from around the country to Durham, thus furthering the magazine's mission of beer education in a way that transcended traditional print media【33†source】.

Despite its profound impact and beloved status in the beer world, All About Beer faced challenges. Under previous owner Chris Rice, the magazine filed for bankruptcy in 2019【17†source】. The discontinuation of its issues on newsstands was regarded as a sad event by beer enthusiasts and industry insiders alike【29†source】.

All About Beer remains a significant part of beer industry history, remembered for its commitment to education, enjoyment, and the promotion of beer culture. Its legacy continues to influence the narrative of the beer community, reflecting its enduring relevance even after its print publication ceased.{{Categories}}

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