Ford Times

Ford Times was an iconic American lifestyle magazine that saw its inception in 1908 under the aegis of the Ford Motor Company. Commissioned to be published monthly, the magazine was originally initated as a medium for the company to reach out to its employees and automobile customers, providing them with up-to-date company news and happenings. However, Ford Times soon evolved beyond specific company concerns to encompass a broader view of American life, culture, and motoring.Image:ford-times-sample-cover

The pages of Ford Times were marked by a captivating blend of travel stories, humor pieces, poetry, recipes, and striking illustrations, many of which were created by renowned artists of the time. The magazine also offered recommendations for road trips. Such well-rounded content and its artful presentation set Ford Times apart as more than just an industry-specific publication; it stood as an illustrated guide to the mid-20th-century American lifestyle and leisure, a visual treat that resonated with a wide audience.

Ford Times' unmatched characterization and commitment to art had a significant bearing on its appeal. Through engaging regular features and memorable cover designs, it carved a niche for itself in the publishing world. It was a medium where art met industry, and the charm of the magazine lay in just that - its ability to balance commercial pursuits and creative aesthetics. Ford Times enlisted the expertise of eminent painters and illustrators like Charley Harper, a modernist artist known for his distinctive wildlife illustrations.

The magazine also kept loyal Ford customers apprised of the company's latest releases, improvements, and technological advancements. It served as a regular communication node between the Ford Motor Company and its customer base, maintaining a human touch that went well above and afar the roles assumed by typical company bulletins.

Whilst Ford Times ceased publication in 1993, almost 85 years since its commencement, the legacy it leaves behind is anything but ordinary. The magazine's multi-faceted and broad-based approach to content, coupled with its artistic endeavor, makes it a noteworthy archive of American cultural history and automobile advancement.{{Categories}}

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