
Robot is an American publication with a primary focus on the field of robotics, showcasing a blend of informative and educational content.Image:robot-sample-cover


The core content of Robot Magazine is rooted in the exploration of both hobbyist and professional aspects of robotics. The magazine encompasses reviews on robotic kits and components, interviews with leading individuals in the field, instruction-based content for robotic enthusiasts and features on the latest robotic innovations and applications.

Furthermore, it provides tutorials, how-to articles, and project ideas to cater to a broad spectrum of readers, from the novice builder to the more experienced engineer.

Publication History

Founded in the United States, Robot Magazine quickly positioned itself as an authority figure in the niche yet rapidly growing robotics industry. The publication took it upon itself to demystify the complexities of robotics, making it accessible to a wider audience.

The magazine has continuously evolved with the progressions in the field, showcasing the recent advancements, emerging technologies, and newfound applications of robotics in diverse industries. Its mix of educationally rigorous and entertaining content continues to capture the interest of readers of varying degrees of engagement with the field, from high school students and hobbyists to industry professionals and academics.{{Categories}}

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