The American Wargamer

The American Wargamer was a wargaming magazine first published in 1973. As a medium-sized newsletter, it was the official publication of the American Wargaming Association. The inaugural issue appeared in December 1973, marking the magazine's establishment by founder Gene McCoy. The American Wargamer continued its publication until it was renamed Military Digest in 1984 with its 11th volume, 11th issue. The magazine endured under this new name until May 2000, making its lifespan a notable 27 years.Image:the-american-wargamer-sample-cover

The publisher of this esteemed publication was McCoy Publishing Enterprises, operating out of Middleton, Wisconsin. The magazine's reach, however, extended beyond its physical headquarters, connecting a network of enthusiastic wargamers across the nation. It was not merely a medium for relaying information; The American Wargamer fostered a vibrant community of individuals united by their passion for historical wargaming.

Noted game designer Steve Jackson once reviewed The American Wargamer in The Space Gamer No. 32. In his review, Jackson characterized the magazine as catering to the "serious historical wargame fan—the person who plays a lot of wargames of different periods, likes to talk about them, likes to write about them, likes to read about them, likes to argue about them." He further suggested that for 'club' wargamers—those part of a group or community of gamers—it could be worthwhile to join the American Wargaming Association to receive The American Wargamer. Jackson indicated, however, that those exclusively interested in science fiction, fantasy, or role-playing games might not find as much content of interest in the magazine【9†source】.

With its specialized focus on historical wargaming, The American Wargamer carved a niche for itself in the broader landscape of gaming publications. It stood as a testament to the diverse interests within the gaming community, demonstrating that even within a common hobby, there are distinct subcultures and preferences. The magazine's long tenure and the community it fostered speak to the enduring appeal and depth of historical wargaming.{{Categories}}

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